Covid-19 Waiver
Covid-19 Waiver
Spot-On Dog Training Center
I understand that attendance at dog training classes and workshops is not without risk to myself, members of my family or invitees who may attend, or to my dog.
If you are not comfortable attending the class and assuming the risk of contracting COVID-19, please do not attend. You are responsible for your own personal hygiene and Spot-On Dog Training Center and/or class instructor will not be held accountable. However, Spot-On Dog Training Center and/or class instructor will be taking these precautions very seriously and those in attendance must comply with these measures to ensure the safety of all in attendance. Spot-On Dog Training Center and/or class instructor reserves the right to refuse service to anyone found to be directly disobeying or disregarding the measures listed in our COVID-19 policy. Anyone who directly disobeys or disregards these measures will be asked to leave and no refunds will be provided. Spot-On Dog Training Center and/or class instructor reserves the right to change and/or amend these measures at any time.
The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the Spot-On Dog Training Center COVID-19 policy.​
I hereby attest that if I or any member of my household exhibits symptoms consistent with COVID-19, I will refrain from attending class.
I hereby waive and release Spot-On Dog Training Center and/or class instructor from any and all liability of any nature, for injury or damage which I or my dog may suffer, including specifically, but not without limitation, any injury or damage resulting from the action of any dog, and I expressly assume the risk of such damage or injury while attending any training session, or any other function, or while on the training grounds or the surrounding area.
In consideration of accepting me for training, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Spot-On Dog Training Center and/or class instructor from any and all claims, or claims by a member of my family, or any other person accompanying me, while on the grounds or the surrounding area as a result of any action by any dog, including my own.